Smooth Chalk Paint™ Finish
People often ask us if you can "roll" Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan onto your piece. The answer is yes, you absolutely can! In this quick post, I'll show you how to use a velour roller and Annie Sloan's flat brush to create a smooth, long-lasting finish.We hope this post helps you with your projects! If you have any questions about Chalk Paint™ or this tutorial, please leave us a comment below! We love to help you!First, when going for a smooth finish as we are here; you must make sure your door is clean. Click here to see our infographic on how to clean your wooden surface for Chalk Paint™.Okay. After your piece is nice and clean, you will need your paint, a paint tray, a velour roller with a low or short nap, Annie's flat brush, a clean rag and a 220 grit sanding sponge. Before rolling, you can dilute your paint with water by 10% to help the paint lay down. If you do this, your surface may require an additional coat. In this tutorial, I did not dilute my paint. Feel free to play with your paint to see what you like best!
Pour a small amount of paint in your tray and begin by using the Flat Brush by Annie Sloan to paint the centre panels or smaller detailed areas on your door. Annie developed this brush to create a smoother finish with your paint. It lays the paint down more thin and smooth than the oval natural bristle brushes.
Once those tricky areas are painted and you're ready to start rolling your paint, load your nap velour roller. I use a velour roller with a short/low nap because it leaves very little texture in the paint. Be sure to off load your paint so that you do not apply too much, then roll a thin coat of paint on all of the flat surfaces.
If you want to remove some of the brush strokes you created with your flat brush, you can gently roll over those areas as well to change the texture.
Allow the paint to dry completely. This may take 30-45 minutes. Lightly sand the surface of your door with fine grit or 220 grit sanding paper or a sanding block to remove any blemishes on the surface. This will also help to ensure you achieve a very soft, smooth finish. Wipe away any dust with a clean rag.
For your second coat, apply the paint in the same fashion as the first. Fill in all the areas that may still be a little transparent. Once dry, sand again very lightly with the fine grit sand paper. I often don't mind if there are still some areas that are not completely solid if I plan to use distressing, glazing or dark wax on the piece.If you feel you still have some areas that need a third coat then you may apply a little more paint to those spots. Otherwise, you are done and ready for your next step! No fuss, no muss!If you have any questions about Chalk Paint™ or this tutorial, please leave us a comment below! We love to help you with your paint projects!